Boots-Dickson Post 174

600 Short Street Palmyra, MO

The Founding of Post 174

24 October 1919

On October 16, 1919, a meeting of ex-servicemen was held at the Palmyra Courthouse for the purpose of organizing a local Post of the American Legion. As a result of this meeting fifteen men signed application for a Charter. Those Signing were as follows: H. H. Heinze, H. V. Todd, F. G. Carlstead Sr. ,L. F. Nelson, J. W. Primrose, F. C. Heinze, Harold Stuhlman, Arthur Crane, Dr. A. R. Stone, Robert Schaeffer, George B. Lewis, E. G. Hill, Roger C. Smoot, H. J. Baker and Gerald Losson. At the time of the meeting in Palmyra it was decided, by ballot, that the name of the Post should be "The Boots-Dickson Post" in honor and memory of Wade Boots and Howard Dickson, deceased, both Palmyra boys who died as heroes during the War. The Charter was approved and signed on 24 October 1919. Those listed above are on the Charter as the original Charter members. Those signing the Charter were : Edward J. Cahill/ State Secretary, Henry D. Lindsley/Chairman National Executive Board, and Eric Fisher Wood/Secretary National Executive Committee.

Post Historian Highlights

Christmas 2024

Delivering gifts to veterans at Maple Lawn

Delivering Christmas gifts to Veterans at Maple Lawn

Thank you to Boots-Dickson Post 174 Members for your dedication to our fellow veterans.